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Cosmetic Dentistry


Inlays  / Onlays / Veneers




Inlays and onlays can often be used in place of traditional dental fillings to treat tooth decay or similar structural damage. Whereas dental fillings are molded into place within the mouth during a dental visit, inlays and onlays are fabricated indirectly in a dental lab before being fitted and bonded to the damaged tooth by your dentist.

The restoration is dubbed an “inlay” when the material is bonded within the center of a tooth. Conversely, the restoration is dubbed an “onlay” when the extent of the damage requires inclusion of one or more cusps (points) of the tooth or full coverage of the biting surface.

Inlays and onlays offer a conservative preparation that preserves as much healthy tooth as possible. They are a great choice if you have minimal to moderate tooth decay that extends into a flossing area, offering an excellent alternative to full coverage crowns. Boasting esthetic longevity, inlays and onlays are not likely to discolor over time as tooth-colored resin fillings often do. Because the fit is tailored at all edges and the preparation minimal, your tooth can be easier to clean than it would be with full coverage restorative alternatives such as a dental crown. Composite fillings can shrink during the curing process, whereas prefabricated porcelain or gold inlays and onlays will not shrink (ensuring a precise fit). Inlays and onlays are extremely stable restorative solutions for the treatment of decay. The superior fit and durable material make inlays and onlays a stable choice that can actually strengthen a damaged tooth.

Typically, an inlay or onlay procedure is completed in two dental visits. During your first visit, we must prepare the damaged tooth. A molded impression of the tooth is then taken and sent to a dental laboratory, where an inlay or onlay is fabricated. Inlays and onlays can be made from gold, porcelain or resin materials. The difference is in the appearance of the finished restoration. A fitted, provisional inlay or onlay (sometimes known as a temporary or “temp” for short) in the shape of the final restoration can be created during this visit to protect the tooth while the final restoration is being fabricated. Porcelain inlays and onlays offer the best esthetics and are often used in the “smile line” areas.

During your second visit, the provisional temporary is removed and your inlay or onlay is placed. Inlays and onlays are extremely stable restorations that seldom fail. Once fitted, the inlay or onlay is bonded onto the tooth and the margins are polished ensuring the perfect comfort, fit and 'bite'.


Only £219 / 270Euro  per Veneer (Superior Grade)


No one should have to hide their smile!


 There are solutions for those seeking an attractive smile and those who are self conscious of their teeth.


A popular option for front teeth, porcelain veneers can help you enjoy a dazzling, healthy smile.


Porcelain veneers are an excellent way for patients to achieve a more youthful and vibrant appearance.


Dental veneers are custom-designed shells of tooth-like ceramic material that, when applied over the surface of a tooth, can cover worn tooth enamel, uneven tooth alignment or spacing and chips or cracks.


Dental veneers fall into the category of cosmetic dentistry because they create a bright, white smile with beautifully aligned, shapely teeth. Even better, the translucent ceramic quality of today's veneers provides a more natural look than what’s been available in the past.


Regardless of what causes unattractive teeth, dental veneers may solve most or even all of your cosmetic dental issues.


If you have a severe case of dull or discolored teeth, you may have to opt for dental veneers. Veneers do have the added benefits of longevity and a proven ability to enhance the appearance of the mouth, smile, and possibly other areas of an aged face that would be better supported by properly shaped teeth.


In addition to being esthetically pleasing, dental veneers can also serve a functional purpose by protecting the surface of a damaged tooth.


In some cases, veneers may replace the need for a dental crown, eliminating the need for more invasive tooth preparation.


What is a veneer?


A veneer is a thin layer of porcelain made to fit over the front surface of a tooth, like a false fingernail fits over a nail. Sometimes a natural colour ‘composite' material is used instead of porcelain.



When would I need a veneer?


Veneers can improve the colour, shape and position of your teeth. A precise shade of porcelain can be chosen to give the right colour to improve a single discoloured tooth or to lighten the front teeth. A veneer can make a chipped tooth look intact again. The porcelain covers the whole of the front of the tooth with a thicker section replacing the broken part. Veneers can also be used to close small gaps, when orthodontics (braces) are not suitable. If one tooth is slightly out of position, a veneer can sometimes be fitted to bring it into line with the others.


What are the advantages of veneers?


Veneers make teeth look natural and healthy. Because they are very thin and are held in place by a special strong bond (rather like super-glue) very little preparation of the tooth is needed. Some types of veneers don't need any preparation at all.


How are teeth prepared for a veneer?


 Some of the shiny outer enamel surface of the tooth may be removed, to make sure that the veneer can be bonded permanently in place later. The amount of enamel removed is tiny and will be the same as the thickness of the veneer to be fitted, so that the tooth stays the same size. A local anaesthetic (injection) may be used to make sure that there is no discomfort, but often this is not necessary. Once the tooth has been prepared, the dentist will take an ‘impression' (mould). This will be given to the dental technician, along with any other information needed to make the veneer. The colour of the surrounding teeth is matched on a shade guide to make sure that the veneer will look entirely natural or to the specific shade you prefer.


How long will it take?


Only 3 days! On day one your dentist shall prepare the teeth and day three the veneers are fitted. Before bonding them in place, your dentist will show you the veneers on your teeth to make sure you are happy with them. Bonding a veneer in place is done with a special adhesive, which holds it firmly on the tooth.


Will I need a temporary veneer between visits?


Because the preparation of the tooth is so slight you may not need a temporary veneer. The tooth will look very much the same after preparation, but will feel slightly less smooth.


How long will a veneer last?


Veneers should last for many years and we offer a minimum 5 year guarantee as standard, Your dentist will tell you how long each individual veneer should last. Should you damage your teeth in the future, small chips can be repaired, or a new veneer fitted if necessary.


**REMEMBER!....Check Ups are FREE FOR LIFE at Platinum Dental Budapest whether you have treatment with us or not!**




Or call us via our UK number 0207 048 4394 (UK local rate.)  MON-FRI 9am - 5pm.





Cosmetic Dentistry

Our expert technicians can craft PRECISION VENEERS for the smile you have always dreamed of! INLAYS and ONLAYS, an exceptional way of rebuilding your back teeth WITHOUT the need for any surgery whatsoever! Restore your teeth's shape & chewing ability making them stronger than ever before!

Cosmetic Dentistry

Teeth Whitening

Come to us for the smile of your dreams! We have the very latest in ZOOM! whitening technology. Choose between the 1-Hour 'In-Office' whitening or 'at-home' treatments. Either way we guarantee you the very best and 100% satisfaction!!

Teeth Whitening

Contact us

We look forward to welcoming you to our BRAND NEW practice in the heart of Budapest and to the VERY LATEST in dental technology and customer comfort.


Should you have any questions, or to book an appointment / arrange a complimentary telephone or video call consultation please contact us at :


and one of our customer care representatives will reply ASAP or call you back at a time that suits you, early morning, daytime, late evening, weekdays or at the weekend.



Or you can call us on our UK number 0207 048 4394 (UK local rate, MON-FRI 9am-5pm)


 ** All consultations, enquiries and dental plans are FREE and with absolutely NO OBLIGATION, just the way they should be! **


** And remember, Check-Ups are 'FREE-FOR-LIFE' at Platinum Dental Budapest whether you have treatment with us or not! **